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IMG Distinguished Alumni Talk: Ben Griffin
Event Details:
This years IMG Distinguished Alumni Award recipient, Dr. Ben Griffin, will be meeting with current IMG students to discuss his time in IMG, and his career after graduating. The format of this event will include a talk by Ben, followed by Q&A and the opportunity for a more informal engagement with IMG students. You will also have the opportunity to hear from Ben during the industry panel at NanoDay, but this talk will be focused specifically on IMG members and his experiences with IMG.
Minh-Chau Le will defend her dissertation this Thursday(05/09) at noon in LARSEN 229 ! The title is "Microfluidic detection of circulating sarcoma cells and disseminated breast cancer cells, and evaluation of their clinical relevance". Refreshments will be provided! Plan to attend live or via Zoom: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/97536425302?pwd=ZEd0VEdvSDloVnZ0a1hrMWpPK3ROdz09.
Location: MALA 5050
Vernon Crasto will be presenting on "Wireless Power Transmission to multiphase rotating magnet receivers for wireless underground sensor networks(WUSNs).
Event Details: