
Founded in 1661, Mamaroneck, N.Y., is a small town that has a strong allegiance to the land. After a ten-year effort to control storm-water discharge into the Long Island Sound, the planting of native riparian vegetation on over 10 miles of banks along streams, and the halting of a housing development in a massive open space, Meeker & Associates was asked to translate each of these achievements into a graphic. The result was a branding and town-signing program based three stencil-cut medallions that symbolized these achievements. They have been used for signs and awards that affirm the town’s commitment to environmental stewardship.

Chesapeake & Ohio National Park Colonial Greenway Trail Grand Canyon National Park historic Hudson River Towns Larchmont Parks Town of Mamaroneck Portland International Center Rochester Airport Washington Rochambeau Route City of Whiteplains Willamette University Yosemite National park
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